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Perpetuum is one of the youngest associative realities in the province of Trapani. Prior to its formal establishment as a cultural association in May 2022, Perpetuum emerged as an ambitious project during one of the most dramatic phases of the health emergency unleashed by the Coronavirus pandemic. Thirty individuals, aged between 17 and 26, were involved in a major initiative of active citizenship with the aim of creating an excellent synergy of skills, aspirations, and inclinations. They shared a common, overarching goal: to imagine and realize ambitious projects capable of making a tangible contribution to the spiritual and material growth of the local community.

From the firm belief that the revival of Marsala finds its guiding star in beauty and that the redemption of the South and its social realities requires a great movement of consciences, souls, and wills, Perpetuum comes to life. For over a year now, it's been fully integrated into the context of associative entities in the city of Marsala.

The essence, values, and reasons of the project can be summarized in a few words, which constitute the solid foundations of its social action:

  • Love

Paolo Borsellino, who also served as the Public Prosecutor of Marsala, often expressed a great dissatisfaction with his city, the Palermo of the second half of the 20th century. However, he stated, "For this reason, I have learned to love it. Because true love consists of loving what we don't like in order to change it." Drawing inspiration from the story of the Palermo magistrate, Perpetuum is born from the desire for change in Marsala, so that it can finally tap into its countless potentials.

  • Gratitude

The land in which a person is born is not just a collection of rocks scorched by the sun and moistened by the rain, but a mixture of stories, traditions, feelings, passions, dialectal inflections, and worldviews: souls that have met to create a reality with infinite facets—a gift to be celebrated.

  • Tradition

A connection to the past is the necessary premise for every activity promoted by the association. The history that for everyone is "magistra vitae" (teacher of life), for Perpetuum is, above all, "possessio per aeternitatem" (possession for eternity, as Tucidides said)—a precious asset to be preserved, explored, and reconsidered. It is a constant search for insights and solutions that can be involved in everyday life, in the construction of a future that has its roots in the past and its direction in the present.

  • Innovation

If history is an exceptional heritage, its knowledge, however, cannot be a secret of a few chosen ones. It must be communicated and shared, utilizing all possible tools. The gaze upon the past should be always directed towards the future and the innovations necessary to make Marsala increasingly tailored to the human needs.

From the synthesis of these four concepts, Perpetuum is born. Its name aims to encapsulate the values of our association, referring to the ancient "Perpetuo," the humble yet remarkable ancestor of Marsala wine. It was produced for centuries by the peasants of the Lilibetan countryside and then enchanted the palate and mind of the renowned British entrepreneur John Woodhouse, who turned it into an internationally acclaimed excellence. It is a perfect example of balance between the past and the present, with eyes and minds focused on tomorrow.

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